Somewhere and Nowhere
Rachael Cloughton........Untitled
Phil Sawdon........A Drawing Parlay
Billy Cancel........4 Poems
Robert Clarke........Vancouver Bus
Steve Garnett ........Men-an-Tol
Jason Wilkinson........4 Poems
Brada Barassi........Lightness, you that eternally rest
Alexandra Handal........From The Bed & Breakfast Notebooks
Alan Dunn........Green on red
Teresa Eng........Conditions for Living
Hart & Sine........Departure
Derek Horton........Citizenship
Odette England........Attentional Landscapes
Erini Boukla........The Bicycle Thieves
Les Joynes........Ghost + Trace
Brighid Mulley........Romance Through Space and Time in Three Acts
Christian Lloyd & Lisa Bristow........Grand Designs
Adam McAlavey........Redman